Venue Name Address Website Contact's Name Contact's Title Email Address Cell Phone First Signature Cocktail Name and Ingredient List Price of First Signature Cocktail (including the discount of more than $4-$5 off regular pricing) $7$8$9$10 Second Signature Cocktail Name and Ingredient List (if applicable) Price of Second Signature Cocktail (including the discount of more than $4-$5 off regular pricing) $7$8$9$10 Third Signature Cocktail Name and Ingredient List (if applicable) Price of Third Signature Cocktail (including the discount of more than $4-$5 off regular pricing) $7$8$9$10 Would you like to pair any Signature Cocktails with food? YesNo Which Signature Cocktail would you like to pair with food? FirstSecondThirdAll Signature Cocktails Name and Ingredients of Food Pairing Price of Signature Cocktail and Food Pairing (including the discount of more than $4-$5 off regular pricing) $8$9$10$11$12$13$14$15$16$17$18$19$20$21$22$23$24$25 Cocktail Week Contact During the Festival (November 6-12) if different than above Contact's Email Contact's Cell Phone
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